devoted to a seven-decade from birthday of  Prof. Yaroslav Dutchak
Ukraine, L'viv, October, 14-16, 2003
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Yaroslav Dutchak
(14.10.1933 – 8.02.1988)

Dutchak Jaroslav Josypovych is well known scientist in the field of condensed matter physics, thesis for candidate degree (Physics and mathematics) “Structure and physical properties of molten alloys”, Minsk (Belorussia), 1962, thesis for doctor degree (Physics and mathematics) “Some results on physical studies of liquid metal and thin films” Baku (Azerbaijan), 1967. He works as an assistant professor 1956-1962-associate professor 1962-1963, chairman of Physics of metal department 1963-1988. He was the founder of this department in Ivan Franko L’viv National University.

Prof. Dutchak is author over 400 papers, including 4 monographs, 10 textbooks and manuals. He made an important contribution into development of scientific branches of chair, particularly, he had studied the structure of liquid metals and multicomponent alloys, at first as well as studied their physical properties. New approach for interpretation of multicomponent alloys structure, which accounts the thermodynamical functions, interatomic interaction and atom’s sizes he proposed. For the number of works “Experimental and theoretical studies on physics of liquid metals” he was awarded by National Prize in Science and Engineering (1983).