Department of General Physics

Yaroslav Shopa

chairman, professor

Telephone: (+380 32) 2394429


Yaroslav I. Shopa was born in 1956. In 1978 graduated Lviv State University. Ph. D., 1983, Solid-state Physics. Doctor of Science, 2004, Optics, Laser Physics. Head of Department of General Physic.

Main research interests are high-accuracy polarimetry, computerization of the optical measuring, optoelectronic. Basic scientific results are up to the study of the optical activity and electrogyration phenomena in ferroelectric and dielectric crystals, developments of measuring methods of optical anisotropy in crystals, constructions of the computerized polarimetric complexes.

Published more than 160 scientific publications, 12 inventions.

Membership of Ukrainian Physical Society.

Main scientific publications:

1. Vlokh O.G., Kushnir O.S., Shopa Y.I. Gyrotropic properties of Pb5Ge3O11 ferroelectric crystals // Ferroelectrics. 126. P.97. (1992).

2. Shopa Y.I., Kravtchuk M.O. Study of optical activity in La3Ga5SiO14 with high-accuracy polarimetris methods // Phys. stat. sol. (a). 158. P.274. (1996).

3. Shopa Y.I., Kravtchuk M.O. Electrically switched compensator in high-accuracy polarimeter // Proceedings SPIE. 3094. P.105. (1996).

4. Vlokh O.G., Shopa Y.I., Kravtchuk M.O. Measurements of the optical activity in Gd2(MoO4)3 // Ferroelectrics. 203. P.107. (1997).

5. Shopa Y. The studies of phase retardation plates by imaging polarimeter // Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. 1. P.90–95. (2000).

6. Шопа Я.І. Вимірювання оптичної активности в кристалах групи KDP методами високоточної поляриметрії // Журн. фіз. досл. 5. C.70. (2001).

7. Шопа Я.І. Зоряні інтерферометри // Світ фізики. 1. C.12. (2002).

8. Shopa Y.I., Lutziv-Shumskyi L.P., Serkiz R.Y. Optical activity of the KDP group crystals // Ferroelectrics. 317. P.79–82. (2005).

9. Шопа Я.І. Цифрова фотографія // Фізичний збірник НТШ. 6. C.165–181. (2006).

10. Shopa Y., Adamenko D., Vlokh R. and Vlokh O. Electrogyration effect in lead germanate crystal family. 1. Electrogyration in the solid solutions based on lead germanate crystals // Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. 8, №4. P.197–208. (2007).

11.Shopa Y., Ftomyn N. HAUP-maps analysis in polarimetric technique // Proceedings SPIE. 7008. P.70081Q-1–70081Q-6. (2008).

12. Shopa Y.I., Kushnir O.S., Adamenko D., Shopa R.Y., Dzyubanski V.S., Vlokh R.O. and Vlokh O.G. Electrogyration effect in lead germanate crystal family. 2. The case of crystals doped with Li, Eu, La, Nd and (Li, Bi) // Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. 10, №2. Р.71–81. (2009).

13. Shopa Y., Ftomyn N. Linear dichroism spectra of doped calcium gallogermanate crystals // Acta Physica Polonica A. 117, №1. P.114–116. (2010).

14. Shopa Y., Ftomyn N. Optical anisotropy of managanese Sr3Ga2Ge4O14 crystals // The XVIII International Seminar on Physics and Chemistry of Solids “ISPS’12”. September 12-15, 2012. Lviv, Ukraine. – P. 22.

15. Shopa Y. Optical Activity of Langatate Crystals / Y. Shopa, N. Ftomyn // Solid State Phenomena. 2013. – Vol. 200. – P. 129–133.

16. Shopa Y. Optical activity of Ca3Ga2Ge4O14 crystals: experiment and calculus / Y. Shopa, N. Ftomyn // Optica Applicata. 2013. – Vol. 43, No. 2. – P. 217–228. DOI: 10.5277/oa130202.

17. Shopa Ya. Crystal structure and optical activity of La3Ga5SiO14 crystals / Ya. Shopa, N. Ftomyn, I. Sokoliuk // Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. – 2014. – Vol. 15, №. 3. – P. 155–161.