Personnel of the Solid State Physics Chair
Academic Staff

Vasyl Y. Stadnyk

Dr. Hab., Professor

Tel.: (+380 32) 239-45-63

Stadnyk Vasyl Yosyphovych , physicist-optician; b. Lysynychi, Lviv Region, Ukraine, Jan. 14, 1962; BS in physics-optics, Ivan Franko Lviv State U., Ukraine, 1984; specialist in physics-optics, Ivan Franko Lviv State U., Ukraine, 1985; PhD in Physics of Semiconductors and Isolators, Ivan Franko Lviv State U., Ukraine, 1990; Dr. Hab. in Physics of semiconductors and Isolators, Ivan Franko Lviv Nat. U., Ukraine, 2006. Publications: over 90.
Main publications:

1. Stadnyk V.Y., Romanyuk M.O., Tuzyak M.R., Kurlyak V.Y., Gaba V.M. Birefringence of (NH4)2SO4 crystals under the action of uniaxial pressures. // Crystallography Reports. –2008. – V.53, №6. – P.1039-1043.
2. Стадник В.И., Романюк Н.А., Тузяк М.Р., Брезвин Р.С., Матвиишин И.М., Габа В.М. Рефрактометрия механически сжатых кристаллов (NH4)2SO4. // Оптика и спектроскопия. – 2008. – Т.104, № 5. – С. 805-809.
3. Stadnyk V.Y. The refractive indices of (NH4)2SO4 crystals under uniaxial pressure / V.Y. Stadnyk, M.O. Romanyuk, B.V. Andrievskii, M.R. Tuzyak // Crystallography Reports. – 2009. – V.54, №.2. – P.313-319.
4. Stadnyk V.Yo. Temperature and baric changes in the refractive indices of LiKSO4 crystals / V.Yo. Stadnyk, O.S. Kushnir, R.S. Brezvin, V.M. Gaba // Optics and Spectroscopy. – 2009. – V.106, №.4. – P.614-620.
5. Stadnyk V.Y. Birefringence of mechanically stressed potassium tetrachlorine zincanate crystals / V.Yo.Stadnyk, V.M.Gaba and Z.O.Kohut // Acta Physica Polonica. – 2010. – Vol. 117, №1. – P. 133–135.
6. Stadnyk V.Yo. Influence of uniaxial pressure on the refractive properties of rubidium tetrachlorine zincanate crystals / V.Yo.Stadnyk, V.M.Gaba, Z.O.Kohut and O.M.Popel // Acta Physica Polonica. – 2010. – Vol. 117, №1. – P. 333–335.
7. Stadnyk V.Yo. Baric changes in refractive indices of K2ZnCl4 crystals / V.Yo. Stadnyk, M.O. Romanyuk , B.V. Andrievsky, Z.O. Kohut // Оptics and spectroscopy. – 2010. – Vol. 108, №5. – P. 753–760.
8. Stadnyk V.Yo. Piezooptic properties of incommensurate modulated of K2ZnCl4 crystals / V.Yo. Stadnyk, Z.O. Kohut, R.S. Brezvin // Crystallography Reports. – 2010. – Vol. 55, №6. – P. 1174–1179.
9. Stadnyk V.Yo. Оptical properties of TGS crystals with L-valine admixture / V.Yo. Stadnyk, N.A. Romanyuk, Yu.I. Kiryk // Crystallography Reports. – 2010. – Vol. 55, №6. – P. 1169–1173.
10. Andriyevsky B.V. Band structure and optical functions of K2ZnCl4 crystals in ferroelectric phase / B.V. Andriyevsky, V.Yo. Stadnyk, M.O. Romanyuk, Z.O. Kohut, M. Jaskolsky // Materials Chemistry and Physics – 2010. – Vol. 124. – P.845-850.
11. Стадник В.Й. Рефрактометрія діелектричних кристалів з несумірними фазами / В.Й. Стадник, В.М. Габа. – Л.: Ліга-Прес, 2010. – 360 с.
12. Stadnyk V. Birefringence of mechanically clamped TGS crystals with L-valine admixture / V. Stadnyk, M. Romanyuk, Yu. Kiryk, R. Brezvin // Chemistry of Metals and Alloys. – 2011. – V.4 (1/2). P. 46-49.
13. Andrievskii B.V. Electronic band structure and influence of uniaxial stresses on the properties of K2SO4 crystals: ab initio study / B.V.Andrievskii, M.Jaskolski, V.Yo.Stadnyk, M.O.Romanyuk, O.Z.Kashuba, M.M.Romanyuk // Computatioanal Materials Science – 2013. – V.79. – P.442-447.
14. Stadnyk V.Y. Piezo_Optic Properties of K2SO4 Crystals / V.Y. Stadnyk, O.Z. Kashuba, R.S. Brezvin, B.V. Andrievskii, V.M. Gaba // Crystallography Reports. – 2014. – Vol. 59, No. 1.–Р. 101–104.

Solid State Physics Chair